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Antique Books


Barboy O, Bercovich A, Li H, Eyal-Lubling Y, Yalin A, Itai Y, Abadie K, Zada M, David E, Shlomi-Loubaton S, Katzenelenbogen Y, Jaitin D, Gur C, Yofe I, Feferman T, Cohen M, Dahan R, Newell EW, Lifshitz A, Tanay A, Amit I (2024).
Modeling T cell temporal response to cancer immunotherapy rationalizes development of combinatorial treatment protocols. Nature Cancer. Pubmed


Cohen M*,#, Giladi A*, Barboy O*, Hamon P, Li B, Zada M, Gurevich-Shapiro A, Beccaria CG, David E, Maier B, Buckup M, Kamer I, Deczkowska A, LeBerichel J, BarJ, Iannacone M, Tanay A#, Merad M#, Amit I# (2022). # Corresponding author.

Specific interaction of T-helper tumor cells and antigen presenting cells shapes the tumor microenvironment. Nature Cancer. Pubmed


Deczkowska A, David E, Ramadori P, Pfister D, Safran M, At The B, Giladi A, Jaitin DA, Barboy O, Cohen M, Yofe I, Gur C, Shlomi-Loubaton S, Henri S, Suhail Y, Qiu M, Kam S, Hermon H, Lahat E, Ben Yakov G, Cohen-Ezra O, Davidov Y, Likhter M, Goitein D, Roth S, Weber A, Malissen B, Weiner A, Ben-Ari Z, Heikenwälder M, Elinav E, Amit I (2021).

XCR1+ type 1 conventional dendritic cells drive liver pathology in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

Nature Medicine. Pubmed

Cohen M*,#, Giladi A*, Raposo C*, Zada M, Li B, Ruckh J, Deczkowska A, Mohar B, Shechter R, Lichtenstein RG, Amit I, Schwartz M# (2021). # Corresponding authors

Meningeal lymphoid structures are activated under acute and chronic spinal cord pathologies.

Life Science Alliance. Pubmed


Giladi A*, Cohen M*, Medaglia C, Baran Y, Li B, Zada M, Bost P, Blecher-Gonen R, Salame T.M, Mayer J.U, David E, Ronchese F, Tanay A, and Amit I (2020).

Dissecting cellular crosstalk by sequencing physically interacting cells.

Nature Biotechnology. Pubmed

See also Research Highlight on the manuscript, Nature Review Genetics, “Transcriptional profiling of physically interacting cells”.


Katzenelenbogen Y*, Sheban F*, Yalin A*, Yofe I, Svetlichny D, Adhemar D Jaitin, Bornstein C, Moshe A, Keren-Shaul H, Cohen M, Wang S.Y, Li B, David E, Salame T.M, Weiner A, Amit I (2020).

Coupled scRNA-Seq and Intracellular Protein Activity Reveal an Immunosuppressive Role of TREM2 in Cancer.

Cell. Pubmed

Bost P*, Giladi A*, Liu Y, Bendjelal Y, Xu G, David E, Blecher-Gonen R, Cohen M, Medaglia C, Li H, Deczkowska A, Zhang S, Schwikowski B, Zhang Z, Amit I (2020). 

Host-viral infection maps reveal signatures of severe COVID-19 patients.



Cohen M*, GiladiA*, Gorki A.D*, Gelbard-Solodkin D, Zada M, Hladik A, Miklosi A, Salame T.M, Bahar Halpern K, David E, Itzkovitz S, Harkany T, Knapp S, Amit I (2018).

Lung single cell signaling interaction map reveals basophil role in macrophage imprinting.

Cell. Pubmed

See also Preview on the manuscript, Cell, “Tissue Unit-ed: Lung cells team up to derive alveolar macrophage development”.

Yael Steuemran*, Merav Cohen*, Naama Peshes-Yaloz, Liran Valadarsky, Ofir Cohn, Eyal David, Amit Frishberg, Eran Bacharach, Ido Amit and Irit Gat-Viks (2018).

Dissection of influenza infection in vivo by single-cell RNA-sequencing.

Cell Systems. Pubmed


Cohen M*, Ben-Yehuda H*, Gordon S, Schwartz M (2016)

Up-regulation of CD200L by Blood-Brain Barrier endothelial cells controls myeloid cell phenotype.

Journal of Neuroscience. Pubmed

Matcovitch-Natan O, Winter DR, Giladi A, Vargas Aguilar S, Spinrad A, Sarrazin S, Ben-Yehuda H, David E, Zelada González F, Perrin P, Keren-Shaul H, Gury M, Lara-Astaiso D, Thaiss CA, Cohen M, Bahar Halpern K, Baruch K, Deczkowska A, Lorenzo-Vivas E, Itzkovitz S, Elinav E, Sieweke MH, Schwartz M, Amit I (2016).

Microglia development follows a stepwise program to regulate brain homeostasis.

Science. Pubmed


Cohen M*, Matcovitch O*, David E, Barnett-Itzhaki Z, Keren-Shaul H, Blecher-Gonen R, Jaitin DA, Sica A, Amit I, Schwartz M (2014).

Chronic exposure to TGFβ1 regulates myeloid cell inflammatory response in an IRF7-dependent manner.

EMBO Journal. Pubmed

See also highlight ‘In This Issue’, The EMBO Journal, “Burning down the house: IRF7 makes the difference for microglia”.

Raposo C, Graubardt N, Cohen M, Eitan C, London A, Berkutzki T, Schwartz M (2014).

CNS repair requires both effector and regulatory T cells with distinct temporal and spatial profiles.

Journal of Neuroscience. Pubmed



Hayoun D, Kapp T, Edri-Brami M, Ventura T, Cohen M, Avidan A, Lichtenstein RG (2012).

HSP60 is transported through the secretory pathway of 3-MCA-induced fibrosarcoma tumour cells and undergoes N-glycosylation.

The FEBS Journal. Pubmed


Cohen M*, Elkabets M*, Perlmutter M, Voronov E, Porgador A, Apte R.N, and Lichtenstein R.G (2010).

Sialylation of 3-Methylcholanthrene induced fibrosarcoma determines antitumor immune responses during immunoediting.

Journal of Immunology. Pubmed

Highlighted in the top 2% A published articles in biology and medicine by Howard Young, a Member of the Faculty of 1000 (F1000).

See also highlight ‘In This Issue’, The Journal of Immunology, “An unpalatable coating for NK cells”. 



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